Grief to Hope Journey
Grief Journey
My grief journey began with my mother’s passing on October 2, 2011. My journey of Hope began on October 1, when as she was dying, she saw my deceased grandmother in her hospital room. I soon discovered how love never dies and began to transition my journey of Grief to a journey of Hope.
When my dying mother saw her mother (my grandmother) in her room, I knew instinctively that they would be together again soon and a huge wave of peace enveloped my Spirit. My mother, who was clearly in two worlds at once, explained to me that “Nana”, as we called her, informed her that she’d be out of pain soon and walking again. I knew intuitively that the “walking” she was referring to was not of this Earth.
Hope Journey
The next day when my mother took her last breath, I was comforted to know that my grandmother had not only escorted her to the Other Side, but had given me a gift of Hope that I would never forget. This was the beginning of a new set of experiences that would not only reshape my perspective on life and death, but carve a new personal mission and professional goal to help others discover how love never dies.
Within a short time after my mother’s passing, I began to experience numerous unusual occurrences that I began to record. I soon understood that the hope and peace I felt about life after death needed to be shared with others to help them on their grief journey. A few years passed and my first book, You Are My Voice: How Love’s Voice Never Dies was born.
Dreams and Signs
My two areas of discoveries about after-death communication were DREAMS and SIGNS. I learned that dreams from our loved ones are visits, when our minds are quiet and our hearts are open to receive. I began to organize and record these dream visits with my mother into various subject categories including: Healing, Advisory, and Life Lessons.
My first healing dream occurred just a few weeks after my mother’s death. In this dream, my mother and I were walking in a special city we both adored, Sedona, Arizona. She reached out her arms to hold my hands. She showed me her hands and said, “Look, the (IV) scars have healed! I am healed, walking, and out of pain!”
Although all the healing dreams gave me a great deal of comfort, the next set of dreams which I named the “Advisory” dreams, gave me the “proof” I needed to understand that our love had never died.
As I was helping my father with the sale of my parents’ home in my daily life, my mother came to me in a nighttime dream sharing future details surrounding the sale of their home, as well as exact dates when our painter was going to be available to meet with me. A few hours later upon waking, the specific dates she shared in the dream were the same dates the painter mentioned. What seemed to be humanly impossible was becoming very possible as I began to believe in the unseen, and accept it as universal law.
In the third category of dreams, the “Life Lessons”, she explained that “death is just another part of life” and the specific details of when her Spirit left her physical body.
Transitioning from Grief to Hope requires an open heart and an open mind. A heart willing to believe in the unseen, and be open to the night-time wisdom of our deceased loved ones, will continue to receive the guidance of Spirit! Begin your transition now.
If this content resonates with you, feel free to share it with others on their grief journey, and as always, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].